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Klötzli by


Stéphanie is a French paper cutting artist who likes to portray people with her art.

In Stéphanie's handbag there is always a pair of paper-cutting scissors (with Klötzli-Hofer cut) with which she cuts elegant, small silhouette portraits of those around her. Directly on site, without drawing, with scissors in the paper. However, in order to tell the complex stories of those around her, she cuts entire houses. The “Klötzli House” tells many stories at once: from the workshop to the shop to family life. A direct insight into the life of a craftsman family.


Scherenschnitt Klötzli by Stephanie Miguet

Stephanie bei der Arbeit

Klötzli by Stephanie Miguet

Stephanie schneidet eine Silouette

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